Meeting in the middle of 2020, Co-Owners Isabel and Bradley met each other while working at a gas station. Finding comfort in their different but equally-crazy situations, they became good friends, eventually pushing each other and finding better employment.

By the end of the year, they had found comfort and friendship in the Rivals of Aether community. By combining their love of gaming with this help they found, a newly established Bradley began helping develop the Switch scene, now being able to add to several Prize Pools.

By 3 Months into 2021, the two of them had started looking more into their dreams, Bradley looking to truly develop an Esports Team and Isabel always wanting to start her own bakery. Combining their loves, Sweetspot was born.

In the plans for SweetSpot is a Venue. Within the next year or two Isabel and Bradley hope to open up Bakery & Tournament Venue, to bring to life both of their passions.

For Isabel it's always been a dream to open her own bakery. A place to create handmade pastries, baked goods, and breads. As for Bradley's tournament side of the venue, it will have computer and gaming setups as well as a stream set up. Scheduled tournaments for different games, and slots available for others hosting their own events.

Expect more on these plans in the near future!